Podcast Episode 1 – Disability and the Waltons

Haley Gienow-McConnell discusses her research on representations of disability in the hit 1970s TV show The Waltons.

Episode Image: TV Guide, August 21, 1976. The cover shows three members of the Waltons cast: an older white man wearing overalls and a hat, an older white woman wearing a cotton dress and holding a basket of eggs, and a young white man wearing a shirt and suspenders.

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About Our Guest

Haley Gienow-McConnell is a PhD candidate at York University in Toronto, Ontario. Her research interests include cultural histories of disability, deaf histories, and histories of women’s health and disability. She is a fluent ASL-user, and lives with her deaf husband and their daughter in Thorold, Ontario. Haley also recently published a deaf/disability positive children’s book entitled “A Sense of Love.” She can be reached at haleygm@yorku.ca or on Twitter at @HaleyAnnGM.